Since its establishment in 2000, OTTO Work Force has grown into the largest international employment services provider in Europe with offices in THE NETHERLANDS, POLAND, GERMANY, BULGARIA, ROMANIA, CZECHIA, SLOVAKIA, HUNGARY, CROATIA, as well as UKRAINE and MOLDOVA. OTTO believes in a labour market without borders and focuses on innovation and respect for international workers.


OTTO Work Force believes in a labour market without borders. As a leader in international recruitment we are constantly searching for new concepts to optimally meet the needs of our clients and employees.
WE TAKE CARE OF OUR PEOPLE is a slogan that guides us every day. Our overarching goal is to look after our employees, both permanent and temporary. The new strategic vision: "The Happy Employee Journey" means that OTTO plans and accompanies employees throughout their career within our organisation. Defining the employee journey allows us to determine the moments that matter most, from recruitment all the way through to promotion and career development.
We are aware how important the quality of our services is to you and, therefore, we approach our employees and clients individually. We are constantly evolving so that we can respond swiftly to changing realities on the labour market while maintaining the highest level of services. Membership in many associations and achieved certificates emphasise our efforts to deliver the best quality.

Maintaining the balance between economic success and corporate social responsibility is the cornerstone of the OTTO Group. We pursue our social responsibility strategy on many levels: we engage in social, cultural, and sporting activities. We care about people in need, we are involved in dialogue with employees and customers, and we invest in our own development. Corporate social responsibility in OTTO’s day-to-day operations consists in:
- offering quality services,
- commitment to ethical principles and company values,
- a fair human resources policy,
- integrity in dealing with customers and suppliers,
- respect for the environment,
- research and education on the labour market,
- taking social and charitable initiatives.